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Palette Home. Your Room Plan­ner App

De­sig­ning rooms has never be­en ea­sier. The Palette Home app al­lows you to de­sign a room in no time by drag­ging and drop­ping fur­ni­tu­re and fit­tings in 3D and try­ing out va­rious in­te­ri­or de­signs and lay­outs. Our 3D room plan­ner soft­ware makes re­de­sig­ning your home so ea­sy that it’s ac­tual­ly fun!

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Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Palette Home als App downloaden
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Palette Home als App downloaden

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.