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Palette Home: 3D online planner for bathrooms and homes

Palette Home: the 3D room plan­ner to re­invent your home

Stir your ima­gi­na­ti­on wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner, the in­stant so­lu­ti­on to any pro­blem you might face when re­de­sig­ning your home. Crea­te a flo­or plan, vi­sua­li­se the fur­nis­hings and fix­tures in your rooms, eva­lua­te your de­sign in 3D – and, if re­qui­red, con­vin­ce your loved ones that you’re on the right track wi­th your idea.

It’s very ea­sy to use and high­ly rea­li­stic: no pri­or CAD know­ledge is nee­ded, but you’ll still get the full ex­pe­ri­ence and assu­rance a pro­fes­sio­nal CAD tool would pro­vi­de.

Start de­si­gning for free wi­th Pa­let­te Home Room Plan­ner

Start designing
Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Flo­or plan first, de­tails se­cond

No mat­ter whe­ther you’re re­no­vat­ing your home or are plan­ning to mo­ve el­se­whe­re so­on, if you need to think about how your fu­ture home will look, it’s good to have a firm idea. That’s why we have de­ve­lo­ped Palette Home. Wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner you can plan every sin­gle de­tail of your room, from the exact room di­men­si­ons and po­si­ti­ons of doors and win­dows to woo­den flo­ors, ti­les, wall­pa­pers, and of cour­se fur­ni­tu­re. You’ll get mo­re than just a glim­pse of your fu­ture li­ving are­as – you’ll get a de­tail­ed plan.

The free On­line Room Plan­ner for ever­yo­ne is your all-in-one so­lu­ti­on. Wha­te­ver you need – a 3D flo­or plan crea­tor or a bath­room/be­d­room/kit­chen plan­ner – we’ve got you co­ver­ed.

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Room planner online infographics
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Room planner online infographics

Flo­or plan first, de­tails se­cond

No mat­ter whe­ther you’re re­no­vat­ing your home or are plan­ning to mo­ve el­se­whe­re so­on, if you need to think about how your fu­ture home will look, it’s good to have a firm idea. That’s why we have de­ve­lo­ped Palette Home. Wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner you can plan every sin­gle de­tail of your room, from the exact room di­men­si­ons and po­si­ti­ons of doors and win­dows to woo­den flo­ors, ti­les, wall­pa­pers, and of cour­se fur­ni­tu­re. You’ll get mo­re than just a glim­pse of your fu­ture li­ving are­as – you’ll get a de­tail­ed plan.

The free On­line Room Plan­ner for ever­yo­ne is your all-in-one so­lu­ti­on. Wha­te­ver you need – a 3D flo­or plan crea­tor or a bath­room/be­d­room/kit­chen plan­ner – we’ve got you co­ver­ed.

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.

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