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Palette Home: 3D online planner for bathrooms and homes

Palette Home: the 3D room plan­ner to re­invent your home

Stir your ima­gi­na­ti­on wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner, the in­stant so­lu­ti­on to any pro­blem you might face when re­de­sig­ning your home. Crea­te a flo­or plan, vi­sua­li­se the fur­nis­hings and fix­tures in your rooms, eva­lua­te your de­sign in 3D – and, if re­qui­red, con­vin­ce your loved ones that you’re on the right track wi­th your idea.

It’s very ea­sy to use and high­ly rea­li­stic: no pri­or CAD know­ledge is nee­ded, but you’ll still get the full ex­pe­ri­ence and assu­rance a pro­fes­sio­nal CAD tool would pro­vi­de.

Start de­si­gning for free wi­th Pa­let­te Home Room Plan­ner

Start designing
Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Flo­or plan first, de­tails se­cond

No mat­ter whe­ther you’re re­no­vat­ing your home or are plan­ning to mo­ve el­se­whe­re so­on, if you need to think about how your fu­ture home will look, it’s good to have a firm idea. That’s why we have de­ve­lo­ped Palette Home. Wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner you can plan every sin­gle de­tail of your room, from the exact room di­men­si­ons and po­si­ti­ons of doors and win­dows to woo­den flo­ors, ti­les, wall­pa­pers, and of cour­se fur­ni­tu­re. You’ll get mo­re than just a glim­pse of your fu­ture li­ving are­as – you’ll get a de­tail­ed plan.

The free On­line Room Plan­ner for ever­yo­ne is your all-in-one so­lu­ti­on. Wha­te­ver you need – a 3D flo­or plan crea­tor or a bath­room/be­d­room/kit­chen plan­ner – we’ve got you co­ver­ed.

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Room planner online infographics
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Room planner online infographics

Flo­or plan first, de­tails se­cond

No mat­ter whe­ther you’re re­no­vat­ing your home or are plan­ning to mo­ve el­se­whe­re so­on, if you need to think about how your fu­ture home will look, it’s good to have a firm idea. That’s why we have de­ve­lo­ped Palette Home. Wi­th our free 3D room plan­ner you can plan every sin­gle de­tail of your room, from the exact room di­men­si­ons and po­si­ti­ons of doors and win­dows to woo­den flo­ors, ti­les, wall­pa­pers, and of cour­se fur­ni­tu­re. You’ll get mo­re than just a glim­pse of your fu­ture li­ving are­as – you’ll get a de­tail­ed plan.

The free On­line Room Plan­ner for ever­yo­ne is your all-in-one so­lu­ti­on. Wha­te­ver you need – a 3D flo­or plan crea­tor or a bath­room/be­d­room/kit­chen plan­ner – we’ve got you co­ver­ed.

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD

Down­load the free App

The 3D room plan­ner Palette Home is now available as a free app wi­th ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­a­li­ty. Try the app now: down­load from the Ap­ple App Store or from the Goog­le Play Store. The end user li­cence agree­ment ap­pli­es.

Bath­room plan­ner, in­te­ri­or plan­ner, kit­chen plan­ner: Palette Home

The features of the 3D room planner are derived from the requirements for planning and furnishing your spaces. After the basic planning (floor plan, room dimensions, position of windows, doors, and interior walls), sanitary equipment, furniture, kitchen furniture, stoves, and fireplaces can be intuitively placed in the room using drag and drop.